Vegan Protein Zucchini Pasta

Vegan Protein Zucchini Pasta

Enjoy our recipe Vegan Protein Zucchini Pasta by feastr. Balanced and very tasty.

Nutritional information:

Calories4562 kJ (1090 kcal)
Protein67 g
Fat19 g
Carbohydrates138 g
Fiber29 g


cutting board, peeler, non-stick frying pan, chef's knife, bowl, spatula, pot

Recipe instructions:


Place the meat substitute in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Let sit for 10-20 minutes. Squeeze as much water out of the strips as you can and mix with the remaining ingredients and set aside.

  • 2.8 oz Vegan meat substitute, minced
    2.8 oz Vegan meat substitute, minced
  • 1 Tbsp Soy sauce, dark
    1 Tbsp Soy sauce, dark
  • 1 Tbsp Tomato paste
    1 Tbsp Tomato paste
  • 1 Tbsp Red wine
    1 Tbsp Red wine
  • 1 Tbsp Olive oil
    1 Tbsp Olive oil

With a peeler, peel zucchini down to the core and place the zucchini peels in a bowl. Finely dice the zucchini core.

  • 1 Zucchini (~ 7.8 oz)
    1 Zucchini (~ 7.8 oz)

Finely dice the onion and garlic. Put the onions into a bowl and add the garlic into the bowl containing the zucchini cubes.

  • 1 Onion, yellow (~ 2.8 oz)
    1 Onion, yellow (~ 2.8 oz)
  • 1 Garlic clove (~ 0.1 oz)
    1 Garlic clove (~ 0.1 oz)

Heat a pan over medium heat and fry the veggie minced meat, occasionally stirring until it starts to brown.


    Add the onions and fry until the onions turn translucent.


      Add the garlic and zucchini cubes and fry for another 5-6 minutes until the vegetables start to brown.


        Stir in the tomato paste, broth, chopped tomatoes, and red wine.

        • 2 tsp Tomato paste
          2 tsp Tomato paste
        • 8.8 oz Tomatoes, diced, canned
          8.8 oz Tomatoes, diced, canned
        • 3 ⁠½ Tbsp Red wine
          3 ⁠½ Tbsp Red wine
        • 2⁄3 cup Vegetable broth
          2⁄3 cup Vegetable broth

        Cook the pasta according to the package instructions.

        • 5.3 oz Spaghetti
          5.3 oz Spaghetti

        Season the sauce with salt, pepper, basil, and oregano. Let simmer with the lid on, for approx. 15 minutes.

        • Salt
        • Black pepper
          Black pepper
        • 1 tsp Basil leaves, dried
          1 tsp Basil leaves, dried
        • 1 tsp Oregano leaves, dried
          1 tsp Oregano leaves, dried

        Turn off the heat add the zucchini noodles to the pan and warm with the residual heat for approx. 1-2 minutes.


          Serve the zoodles with the pasta and sauce and top with the basil.

          • 7 leaves of Basil, fresh (~ 0.1 oz)
            7 leaves of Basil, fresh (~ 0.1 oz)

          Enjoy your meal!